lk-Art SCHOOL by Danish-sweedish artist    LOTTE KJoeLLER


Get artistic inspiration and be taught by visual artist Lotte Kjøller in her own Atelier in Copenhagen. I teach drawing/painting in small groups of max. 6 people in own studio. I also teach other things, e.g. photography and relevant subjects for a budding artist.

The idea is that the student gets more intensive teaching in small groups in the artist's own workshop; i.e. in authentic and inspiring surroundings, just as you find it in Atelier I also give one-on-one tuition. Read about courses and events on the other links in the menu.


The teaching is based on you and what you need to either get started or continue with your art. I teach based on your images and the problems and challenges you experience in your work with them.

I teach both the brand new beginner, but I am also happy to put together a teaching course just for you who want one-on-one lessons to learn something very specific. For example, you can be a student at the art courses who needs help with an assignment. The girl on the right is a design student who had to learn to draw sketches in order to pass her assignment. One-on-one tuition costs DKK 600 per hour. If you can share the space with 6 people, it costs DKK 100 per hour for both young people and adults.


It may also be that you have painted a little on your own and need to learn some painting techniques and color theory so that you can move forward with your images.


There are also drawing and basic courses for those who want to learn to draw, both for the experienced and for those who want to learn it from scratch and need to find their own style - regardless of whether you are young or adult.

These pictures are of a design student who had to learn to draw a sketch to pass his task. She received one-on-one instruction in Drawing and Painting School Atelier Lk-kunst located in Vanløse, Copenhagen.

If you want to contact Lotte Kjøller regarding teaching, email or call: tel: +45 28780309 or email: You can also fill in the form at the bottom of the page.


The teaching teams are shorter and more expensive as there is only a max. 6 corona-tested or vaccinated students in 1 class. One-on-one tuition costs DKK 600. in class. With a team of 6, you can share the DKK 600.
Teachers and models are always corona vaccinated.
We therefore expect our students to be able to present a new corona passport.
To look after us all as best as possible.


All people in principle welcome. It is not permitted to wear religious symbols or religious clothing. Due to riots, people of satanic and muslim faith are not welcome.

First and last pictures of my student. After 1 year of teaching in Lk-kunst. Isn't she good?


  • Workshops på alle niveauer, om du er begynder, let øvet eller øvet
  • tegne, acryl male og akvarelundervisning
  • kvalificeret undervisning og sparring
  • undervisning i forskellige tegne- og maleteknikker
  • undervisning i farvelære
  • kunsthistorisk og samtidskunstneriske inputs og inspiration
  • samvær og fællesskab med ligesindede kreative
  • her kan du male dine egne motiver eller efter model og få inspiration til at komme videre med dem
  • har du ikke materialer kan de f.eks. købes her:
  • Registration for the individual course takes place at the latest one week before the start of the course, but otherwise you can send an email to find out if there are any places available.
    Bring materials. You must bring your own materials unless otherwise stated in the course (canvas, paper, brushes, colors for drawing, etc.).
    Facilities. There are easels, painting tables, chairs, a table, access to making tea and coffee, a fridge for storing food and drink, mugs and cutlery.
    In the workshop you will be able to work with drawing, acrylic and watercolor colours.


Apparently it's Gift Time! If you need a personal gift for someone you care about, then maybe a course in croquis, painting or a basic course would be something. You can have a gift card issued by contacting Lotte Kjøller at

Lk@Lk-kunst or phone: +45 28780309 against payment in advance.



Teacher and Visual Artist Lotte Kjøller:

1992: Painted in my own studio, and thus began my career as a visual artist.

Study stay in Paris ½ year to study art at the Ecole Des Beaux Artes.

Entered a 3-year master's course with visual artist Jeff Ibbo from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts from 1992-95, and thereby changed direction within my art.

1993: Admitted to the University of Copenhagen, Department of Art History. Substitute for drawing teacher Jeff Ibbo, FOF, Køge in croquis.

1994: Passed 1 year test at Copenhagen. University, Art History. Adult Pedagogical course. Employed as a drawing teacher in croquis for FOF for 4 years, and as a guest teacher at the Art Museum "Køge Sketch Collection". Taught at FOF painting school in Køge.

1995: Got a breakthrough with my paintings by getting through the eye of the needle to the Artists' Autumn Exhibition, The Free Exhibition Building in Copenhagen and now my artistic career really took off.

Became a member of Billedkunstners Forbund BKF.

2002: Debuted as an illustrator for Adil Erdem's collection of poems "Places in Dreams" and became a member of the Danish Writers' Association. 2009: Debuted as a Poet for "Wordless" 2004 to now:

Took an education as a Social and Health Assistant in 2004, I have used to, among other things, teach the elderly and disabled in drawing and painting.

Also provides private lessons in drawing and painting from my studio in Vanløse.

Begins to provide special education for young people who want to enter art schools or academy students who need to learn to draw croquis.

2016-2021: Conducts events for

Has exhibited many meritorious places both in Denmark and abroad. See more here on my website:

tel: +45 2878 0309 mail:


I now have many years of experience in giving drawing and painting lessons from evening schools, art schools and occupational therapy, and now give private one-on-one lessons as you can see below. I teach drawing and painting for those who want personally directed one-on-one lessons and for small groups of a maximum of 6 people. I also teach other things, e.g. photography and relevant subjects for a budding artist.


When I teach one individual student at a time, it is because it gives the best and most personally targeted result. Here, the student can help decide exactly what she/he wants to learn. We can go in depth with drawing and drawing techniques, or painting and the process of working from sketch to painting. I start from the student's level, wishes and resources, and guide the student to become a better draftsman or painter, and to gain an insight into the universe of colour.


Of course, I also do that with group lessons. This is why I teach in small groups of a maximum of 6 people so that the student can still get more intensive teaching in the small groups. I emphasize that being creative should also be a game. I always try to let the student find (or keep) his own style, and give guidance for both abstract and figurative art; where the student's interest lies. I handle all drawing techniques, and specialize in croquis, drawing, watercolor and acrylic painting. I do not teach oil painting. The teaching is expert assistance and takes place in my studio, where you as a student come to the teaching.


All Rights Reserved. Lotte Kjoeller - E-mail

It is not allowed to steal photos from this page without permission. Theft is punishable!




Visual artist company by artist Lotte Kjoeller

Billedkunstnervirksomhed v. kunstner Lotte Kjøller


Bybjergvej 19 2 th

2970 Hoersholm



Tel: + (45) 2878 0309

CVR: 37305294

Lotte Kjøller er billedkunstner, kongelig hofmaler, prinsesse og kendis.


 Lotte Kjoeller is visual artist, Royal Court painter, princess and celebrity.

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KontaKt mig her:

If you would like to attend one of my courses, please send your email, address and phone number and course name to me, Lotte Kjøller, at and you will be told how to pay.


Registration for Lotte Kjøller: or on +45 28780309

The price of the course is on the course info

private lessons DKK 600 per hour

group lessons they share DKK 600 per 6 people

(see course info).

Prices are without lunch for full-day courses and possibly model salary.

we speak english!


© Copyright 2000-2021. All Rights Reserved. Lotte Kjoeller


It is not allowed to steal photos from this page without permission. Theft is punishable!

Last updated March 2021

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